June 11, 2003 2:05 p.m.

Feeling totally paranoid right now. Last night I had a realy big b/p and the left over food and containers with puke in it were in a bag in my room. Why didn't I throw them away. Fuck, I am such a lazy bitch sometimes. Anyways, beside that bag there was another bowl from before with puke in it wrapped in a towel that I had yet to clean. Yes I am a fucking disgusting pig sometimes. Well this morning my mom tells me she was looking for my care keys and she had to go through my stuff. Shde added that it wasn't to be nosy, but I don't care it still pisses me off. She didn't say anything about the bowl or the bag but when I woke up they weren't there. She knows now, she fucking knows, I know it. What the fuck am I going to do if she confronts me with this. Shit, this sucks!