April 26, 2003 10:09 p.m.

Well the pain in my shoulder went away, so that's good, and it went away without any pills, which is even better. Unfortunately today is like the worst day of the week. My mom went grocery shopping and came home with a shitload of food, so what do I do, I b/p. It was bound to happen, my stepdad's out of town for a couple of days which means I can eat in my room and with all the food she bought, I felt like I had to. I always get like that. I feel the need to b/p any of the foods in the house that I may binge on as fast as possible, so that I get them out of the way and all I have left is food that I eat when I'm restricting. It always sounds like a good idea, or should I say excuse at the time, but what always happens is that by the time I've rid the house of bad food, my mom has already bought more. I've even told her that there are certain foods I would rather not have in the house, but her short term memory must be shot to shit cause when I look in the refrigerator or the cupboards those foods are always there. Like the other day she came home from work with a big ass carton of ice cream, which of course is one of my favorite flavors, and when I asked her why she bought it do you know what she told me, "Well we didn't have any ice cream in the house." NO SHIT MOM! I know we didn't have any fucking ice cream, and that's a good thing. You'd think after all these years, she'd get that, or at least have enough sense to buy a flavor I don't like so I'm less likely to eat it. Ugh, it just pisses me off. The only good thing that comes out of it is that it's obvious she thinks I'm capable of consuming so much garbage, and that makes me want to prove her wrong. Now if only I can send that message to my body so maybe all these god damn cravings will go the fuck away.